Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The First Day of Success

Today I didn't go to facebook even once. Not a single time. It's after midnight now and I'm about to go to bed, so I can officially say I have been successful for one full day.

It makes me anxious, honestly. When I think about what I might be missing. When the thought pops into my head that I could just go check once, see what's going on. But I keep reminding myself what it could do to me. How it could hurt me. To feel a bit of anxiety now is going to be better in the long run, I know it.

It was easier today, since I worked. I don't have a smartphone or anything like that so I can't check facebook at work. I have no access to most forms of social media. It makes it easy because that's the largest chunk of my day. Then when I come home, all I have to do is make it a few hours without faltering. Easier said than done, but I know I can make it through. The thing I'm most annoyed at with my decision is that I was so excited for October. Halloween facebook is my favorite. People post things that I love all year. Fall colors and pumpkins. I even saved up a bunch of pictures that I had planned to post as a countdown to halloween in October on Facebook. But I have to keep telling myself it's not as important as the personal growth that I'm trying to achieve. Maybe I'll post the pictures on here instead.

My next goal is to start spending less time in front of the computer. Even though I'm not on facebook constantly like I was before, I'm still in front of the screen a lot. I watch netflix and cross stitch. Which is pretty much my favorite way to spend my evenings. But I should work on other things too. It's hard sometimes, especially when order volume is high in my etsy store and I feel like I'm spending every spare moment trying to keep up. But I had my shop on vacation for a couple weeks so things are pretty quiet right now. So, I've decided to make a list of things I'm going to spend more time doing in order to stay away from the computer.

First, I'm going to try to shutdown the computer every night at 10pm and read for a while. I love books, but sometimes I feel like there are better things I could be doing, which is stupid. I miss reading. And one thing I really want to do is focus more on my spirituality. For me, a large part of that is research and gathering knowledge. So, computer off every night at 10pm and read until I'm ready to go to sleep.

Another thing I'd like to start doing is meditating. Again, part of what I want/should do to help develop and grow my spirituality. I've always meant to start a meditation regimen. It's one of those things that I always thought to myself "one day." But, one day will never get here if I don't start. I should quit putting things off. So, starting hopefully tomorrow. The plan is, shower around 9pm every night, then meditate for about 20 mins or so (this may be less at first, as I get used the process of a sitting meditation), then watch a bit more netflix and/or cross stitch a bit more until 10, which I've already established as computer off time.

I also think having a more defined schedule in the evening will help to get me to bed earlier. I'm sick of always being tired at work. I'm hoping if I get myself on a better schedule, I'll be sleeping better and getting more sleep. Which, ultimately will theoretically lead me to being in better spirits at work. As long as I can stick to the schedule I'm setting.

These are my goals for the next few weeks. Obviously I'm not starting today, but starting tomorrow, this will be my schedule. We'll see how it goes, hopefully it will help me to accomplish more in the goals for my life.

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