Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Slip or a Choice?

Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple days. I just haven't had much to say and didn't the point in posting nothing. Also, last night I was out until 9:30. I didn't even do my meditating. I was home so late, something had to give and I decided that reading was a higher priority to me that meditating, so I skipped a night. Right back to it tonight though.

Things are mostly going about the same. I did get on facebook briefly today (I promised I would be honest about it). Though it was less of a slip and more of an exception. A friend had some photos to show me and the easiest way for me to see them was to look at them on facebook where he had posted them. I didn't scroll through anything though. I did go through my notifications, because I had a lot, but I didn't scroll through any timeline posts and only looked at certain notifications. I wanted to make sure and stick as much to my promise to myself as possible.

Other than that, everything's the same and everything's pretty good. I will be house sitting next week and likely won't be doing any posting as the family I'm house sitting for has internet, but can't remember the password to their wifi. So I will not have access to blogger or google. I may keep a bit of a pseudo journal while I'm there and post on here when I get home, but probably only if I have something of significance to say.

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