Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Decision

I've had facebook since I started college back in 2006. It's been my way to stay in touch. To keep up. To know what's going on. With everyone. With everything. I follow friends, musicians, actors, public figures, groups, pages. Everyday I log on and spend hours scrolling through endless posts of everything...and nothing.

It's occurred to me recently that facebook, and many forms of social media are the cause of so much of my anger. I see posts by people that I just think are plain stupid. I see posts by groups that make me angry about what's happening the world. I see things that I just truly can't believe. People repost without thinking, without fact checking. And all I can think is "what is wrong with the world?" Then it hit me. This is what's wrong with the world.

But that's not the only problem. Facebook and social media have created this world where we need to be constantly in touch with each other. I find myself upset at the lack of posts or messages directed at me. And why? Because why aren't you paying attention to ME? And that's a person that I don't want to be. I don't want to log on and scroll through, looking for a reason to be angry. Or for a reason to not be angry. It's made me become a person that depends solely on other people for my happiness. And it's also pulled out my green jealousy monster, who I take great pride in not feeding as much as possible.

Don't get me wrong. I've been this way since long before facebook and social media. It's the type of person I am. But, I've reached a point in my life where I want to focus on myself. Where I want to work on this part of myself. I want to worry about me, create my own happiness, stop worrying about others and worry more about myself.

So, starting today, I'm giving up facebook. I know that this blog could potentially cause the same problems that facebook has caused, but I find it unlikely that anyone will even be reading it. It's more of a way for me to vent my frustrations and document how this will effect me long term. I'm not going to set a timeline, because I think that's silly. Then I'll just find myself counting the days down. But I am going to spend more time trying to do things that interest me and make me happy. Rather than spending all my time in front of the computer, trying to find something to do until facebook gives me what I want.

So, goodbye facebook. Until we meet again, sometime (hopefully very far) in the future.

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