Monday, September 15, 2014

Kitten Videos

I find that meditating is getting easier. I wouldn't say I'm doing very well at it yet, but I don't quite mind just sitting as much as I did at first. The time doesn't seem to take as long, and pushing past the initial "I don't want to sit here for ten minutes" feeling is quicker than it was at first. So, that's good. I still have a lot of trouble clearing my mind. It's just so difficult for me to push all those thoughts out of my head.

It's been one week since I've started all of this. One week since I made the decision to give up facebook. Overall I think it's going well. I don't miss it quite so much. I do find that I still feel like I'm missing something. Mostly because I would spend my evenings watching netflix, then when I needed a short break from that, I would scroll through facebook. But, it's nice to not be feeling all that negativity. I do feel like I'm missing a lot. I'm missing what's going on with the people I care about and I'm missing what's going on in the world in general. Pop culture has never been of much interest to me, so I don't miss that part, but just small things. Like when the ice bucket challenge was so big, or when gay marriage is legalized in different states. The small things that brought me bits of happiness here and there. I do miss that...kitten videos. I miss the kitten videos. But, I still think the positives outweigh the negatives overall, so I am still happy with my decision.

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